Your Ultimate Skin Whitening FAQ

Your Ultimate Skin Whitening FAQ

Skin whitening is a familiar term in Asia, extremely frequently used in the beauty industry by cosmetic brands and spas. Often marketed as an essential goal for skincare, achieving a fairer complexion can seem like the pinnacle of beauty aspiration. What does skin whitening mean to you? Does it align with your perception of beauty, or raise concerns about health and natural skin integrity, perhaps due to the psychological associations with "bleaching"? Do you embrace skin-whitening products, or do you avoid them? Are these products solely for those seeking a lighter skin tone, or do they offer broader benefits? When a salesperson claims a product can make your skin "whiter," what does that imply? 

Established in 2015, LM Soelle began as an in-house skincare brand dedicated to anti-aging and whitening solutions to meet our clients' diverse skincare needs. Since our business is building upon this foundation, our priority is to ensure that skin whitening knowledge is accessible to our community. To answer the many questions surrounding this subject, we created this guide to provide you with the clarity you need.


1. How does skin whitening work?

Skin whitening works by targeting various factors that contribute to skin pigmentation and discoloration. The mechanisms of action vary depending on the whitening products or treatments, which can be summarized as follows:

i). Inhibition of Melanin Production and Transfer: Many skin whitening products feature ingredients designed to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase, which plays a pivotal role in the production of melanin, the skin pigment responsible for its color. The more melanin produced, the darker the skin tone. Because of this, hyperpigmentation, a common skin condition, manifests as darker patches compared to the surrounding skin due to excessive melanin production. These products work by diminishing melanin synthesis over time. Additionally, some formulations contain ingredients that impede the transfer of melanin from pigment-producing melanocytes to skin cells called keratinocytes, effectively minimizing the visibility of dark spots and promoting a more uniform skin tone.

ii). Exfoliation: Some skin whitening products contain exfoliating agents that help remove dead skin cells and promote the turnover of skin cells. This can result in a brighter and more even complexion by removing pigmented surface cells.

iii). Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation can contribute to skin pigmentation and discoloration. Some skin whitening ingredients carry anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and promote a more even skin tone.

iv). Protection from UV Damage: Sun exposure can exacerbate skin pigmentation and dark spots. Skin whitening products often contain ingredients to protect the skin from UV damage and hinder further darkening of the skin.


2. What is the difference between skin whitening and skin brightening or skin lightening?

The terms "skin whitening," "skin brightening," and "skin lightening" are often used interchangeably. While these terms are related and may overlap in their goals, they have distinct objectives and approaches in skincare. Skin whitening focuses on reducing melanin (skin pigmentation) production, skin brightening enhances radiance by promoting cell turnover, and skin lightening usually encompasses both processes to achieve a more luminous and even, lighter complexion.


3. Are skin whitening products safe?

The safety of skin whitening products depends on the brand, the specific products, and how they are used. 

The ingredients and how the products are formulated are the first things to consider. Some skin whitening products can be safe and effective when used as directed and when they contain approved and tested ingredients. However, there are also products on the market that contain harmful substances such as mercury, and steroids that can cause health issues. Ensure that the product has been approved by the relevant health authorities in your country and follow the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer. 

Skin whitening products, if chosen right, are generally safe for most skin types. However, consulting a dermatologist before starting any skin whitening treatment is advisable, and is strongly recommended for those with sensitive skin or existing skin conditions. Furthermore, conducting a patch test before applying any new product to your face or large skin areas can help identify potential allergic reactions or irritations is always a good idea.


4. Are skin whitening effective?

Much like the query concerning product safety, the effectiveness of skin whitening also hinges on multiple factors. These include the ingredients employed, the concentration of active components, the duration of usage, and the unique characteristics of an individual's skin. Typically, certain skin whitening products can effectively diminish the visibility of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone with consistent and proper application over time. However, noticeable results may require weeks or even months to manifest. It's important to recognize that outcomes vary from person to person, and not all products yield the same effects for everyone.


5. Is skin whitening permanent?

Skin whitening is rarely permanent. The duration of skin whitening effects can vary depending on the method used, individual skin characteristics, and lifestyle factors. Sun exposure is a significant factor that can affect the longevity of skin whitening results. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can stimulate melanin production, leading to darkening of the skin. Besides, the natural turnover of skin cells also plays a role in the longevity of skin whitening effects. As new skin cells replace old ones, any superficial lightening achieved through exfoliation or inhibition of melanin production may gradually diminish.


6. Is it possible to maintain skin whitening results with a regular skincare routine?

Yes, it is possible to maintain skin whitening results with a regular skincare routine, but it requires consistency and diligence. 

First, use sunscreen with high SPF and broad-spectrum protection. Additionally, wear protective clothing and accessories such as hats and sunglasses. Adopt a skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, regular moisturizing, and the use of products containing skin-lightening ingredients. Regular exfoliation can also enhance the effectiveness of these products by promoting cell turnover. Lastly, maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, hydration, sufficient sleep, and stress management to support overall skin health and preserve skin whitening results.


7. What are the side effects of skin whitening?

Skin whitening products and treatments can potentially cause side effects, especially when used incorrectly or with ingredients that are not suitable for certain individuals.

Some people may experience skin irritation, dryness, redness, itching, or burning sensations when using certain skin whitening products. This can be due to the presence of harsh chemicals or allergens in the formulation. Some skin whitening ingredients like retinoids, and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, leading to sunburn or photosensitivity reactions. It's crucial to keep your skin moisturized and wear sunscreen to protect your skin from UV radiation during the skin whitening process.

In the worst case, when using skin whitening products from unregulated sources, can lead to poisoning and cause health damage, as well as skin discoloration, scarring, thinning of skin that increases infection susceptibility, and rebound hyperpigmentation. Opting for products from reputable brands and avoiding unregulated or counterfeit products can help minimize the risk of these adverse consequences.


8. Which is better, skin whitening cream, tablets, or treatments?

Determining the suitability among the three options is based on individual preferences. However, it's essential to note that they are not mutually exclusive, and often, a combination of two or all three is adopted simultaneously to achieve optimal results. Alternatively, they may be used at different times to maintain the desired level of outcome. Here's a comparison to assist you in deciding what and when to use each option:

Topical creams (or other kinds of topical skin whitening products) are readily available and easy to apply, but it may take longer to show results compared to the other two. In addition, most of them provide temporary results, so once you stop using these products, melanin production can gradually return to normal, causing the skin to revert to its original shade over time.

Whitening supplements taken orally can provide systemic advantages by delivering vital nutrients that support skin health from within. By supplying essential nutrients and antioxidants to skin cells, they can help address the root causes of aging and damage that impact our skin tone. It's worth noting that many skincare supplements contain nutrients beneficial not only for the skin but also for overall health. However, since these supplements are ingested, it's crucial to approach them with careful consideration and opt for products formulated with natural and thoroughly tested ingredients.

Professional treatments like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser therapy can provide more immediate obvious, and longer-lasting results compared to topical products. These treatments are often performed under the supervision of a dermatologist or skincare professional. However, they can be costly and may require multiple sessions to maintain the desired results. Some treatments may also carry risks of side effects, such as skin irritation and redness.


White+ Glow, the revolutionary total skin whitening solution

White+ Glow is a skin supplement that supports whitening from every angle, improving skin vitality and giving you a true skin glow from the inside out. Meticulously crafted with a powerful patented blend of PhytoflORAL® and Pycnogenol®, this synergistic formula combines the potency of these two botanical extracts with additional ingredients. Here is a look at them and their skin-whitening properties:


Derived from colorless carotenoids in white tomatoes, PhytoflORAL® whitens skin by inhibiting melanin synthesis and providing antioxidant protection against UV radiation and environmental stressors. It reduces pigmentation, promotes an even skin tone, and enhances the skin's natural defenses, resulting in a more radiant complexion.


Pycnogenol®, a plant extract from French maritime pine bark, whitens skin by inhibiting tyrosinase, reducing hyperpigmentation. Its antioxidant properties protect against oxidative stress and UV damage, preventing dark spots and uneven tone. Additionally, it enhances skin barrier function and improves microcirculation, promoting overall skin brightness and wellness.

Polypodium Leucotomos

A tropical fern extract is rich in antioxidants and possesses anti-inflammatory effects, it helps shield the skin from UV-induced damage and oxidative stress. It also reduces hyperpigmentation and preserves skin structure and elasticity.


A form of vitamin B3 helps whiten skin by inhibiting the transfer of melanin from melanocytes to keratinocytes, reducing inflammation, and improving skin barrier function. It also inhibits melanogenesis and provides antioxidant protection, which prevents new dark spots and reduces existing ones. 


A potent amino acid that boasts very high skin-lightening abilities. It suppresses the production of dark spots whilst stimulating glutathione production, another strong antioxidant that reduces pigmentation and promotes a lighter skin tone.

Utilizing our extensive experience in skin whitening, White+ Glow provides a safe, effective, and scientifically backed comprehensive skincare solution that boosts overall skin health. Its profound results bring about fundamental changes in skin appearance. Now is the time to get your hands on this amazing product!

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